What is TOEFL? TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a test that tests a person's knowledge of the English language. TOEFL is among the most widely used tests in the world, accepted by more than 9,000 Universities in the world.
For more than 75 years, the TOEFL test has been working to improve people's lives through education. To be successful in completing this test, you must be at an average to proficient level.
Who can take the TOEFL exam?
Students who want to study at universities where English is spoken.
The TOEFL test in many universities is also a condition for admission and winning scholarships.
Students and employees applying for work visas.
In most universities where English is spoken for bachelor's, master's and doctorate levels and an infinity of employment agencies, immigration offices, etc.
How is the TOEFL test structured?
The TOEFL is divided into four parts: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. Each part has 30 points, giving a total of 120 points. However, each of the universities or institutions where you apply has a different minimum score requirement for admission.
How many points do you need to pass the TOEFL test?
There is no score that counts as a "pass" on the TOEFL. Each institution, or wherever the application is made, has its own criteria, and determines the number of points you must have
in order to be accepted, or even get a scholarship.
How often is the test performed?
There are fixed dates for the test, i.e. approximately 50 times a year.
Is scholarship earned through TOEFL?
The scholarship is determined by the faculty where the application is made. It may or may not be a requirement, but most English-speaking Universities require it as a mandatory test in order to be admitted.
TOEFL PREPARATION COURSE – Britannia Languages Academy
The TOEFL course at Britannia Languages Academy is designed to help every person to achieve the highest possible results in the TOEFL test. The course focuses on the four main areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Prepare for the TOEFL test with a variety of materials, courses and training in the classroom or online from Britannia Languages Academy.